

OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management Certification is a universal standard which gives a system to distinguish, control and diminishing the dangers related with Health and Safety inside the working environment. Executing the standard will send an unmistakable sign to your partners that you see worker’s Health and Safety as a need inside your association.

An expanding number of associations are finishing OHSAS 18001 Certification as managers are feeling the squeeze to guarantee that a thorough Health and Safety strategy is set up which ensures representatives against conceivable Occupational dangers and reduces the probability of mishaps in the work environment. By preparing an association can likewise distinguish Health and Safety dangers and fit in with well being and security enactment.

It makes the most ideal working conditions over your association.

OHSAS structure causes you to distinguish dangers and set up controls to oversee them.

It decreases working environment mishaps and ailment to reduce related expenses and personal time.

It likewise draws in and motivates staff with better, more secure working conditions

Shows consistence to clients and providers.

It guarantees consistence with Legal and Regulatory necessities also.

It improves the business open door just as prompts nonstop improvement of the association.

What Enterprises actualize OHSAS 18001:2007?

OHSAS 18001 Certification is actualized by a wide assortment of enterprises. The Health and Safety standard can profit any associations that decide to actualize it. In the event that you have a workforce of 5 or 500, at that point OHSAS 18001 will profit you right away. The motivation behind the administration framework is to put the emphasis on the representatives and guarantee best practices are being executed. Viably executing the standard outcomes in a more secure workplace for your workforce, in addition to lessen hazard and obligation presentation on the association.

Why Choose Mapple for OHSAS 18001 Certification?


5,700 skilled Auditors working in excess of 100 nations offer a one of a kind blend of global and neighbourhood skill giving steady administrations any place our customers are.


Mapple Certifications has given more than 6,000 security related endorsements in all significant industry parts.

Our evaluators have a broad involvement with well being and security issues, just as top to bottom information on nearby guidelines, markets and language that empowers them to give arrangements adjusted to your needs.

Sign of Global Recognition

The Mapple Certifications mark is a universally perceived image of your association’s progressing duty to greatness, maintainability and unwavering quality.

For what reason would it be advisable for you to execute OHSAS 18001 in your association?

The advantages of OHSAS 18001 Certification can’t be exaggerated; organizations huge and little have utilized this standard to extraordinary impact, here are only a couple of these advantages:

Improve your picture and validity – By guaranteeing clients that you have a pledge to obvious administration of Occupational Health and Safety, you can upgrade your picture and piece of the overall industry through keeping up a decent public picture and improved network relations.

Use proof based basic leadership – By guaranteeing that you are utilizing exact information to settle on your choices on what to improve, you can extraordinarily expand the odds that your upgrades will be fruitful the first run through, instead of having a few ineffective endeavours. By utilizing this information to keep tabs on your development, you can address these improvement activities before they go “off the rails,” which can spare expenses and time.

Make a culture of persistent improvement – With ceaseless improvement, you can progress in the direction of better procedures and diminished Occupational Health and Safety risks in a deliberate manner so as to improve your open picture and possibly lessen your expenses, as recognized previously. At the point when a culture of progress is made, individuals are continually searching for approaches to improve their procedures, which makes keeping up the OH&SMS simpler.

Engage your People – Given a decision between working for an organization that shows care and worry for occupational health and safety and one that doesn’t, a great many people would incline toward the principal organization. By connecting with your representatives in a collective endeavour to decrease your Occupational Health and Safety risks, you can expand worker center and maintenance.
